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楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)是1946年成立的一家以应用为基础的致力于开发面向助听器和其他电子设备市场的新型产品和组件的技术公司。总部位于美国伊利诺伊州的艾塔斯卡 (Itasca),全球各地都设有技术/客户支持办事处。从 1974 年开始在亚洲进行生产制造,并在中国和马来西亚建立了世界一流的工厂。产品与服务主要是利用微型电容、平衡电枢和 CMOS/MEMS 等技术平台的综合优势,为数码相机、PDA、高性能耳机及高级应用领域服务。 同时Knowles Sound Solutions(楼氏声学系统),为手机及其他消费性电子产品提供动圈式扬声器与受话器的全球顶尖制造商。

楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)在超过70年的行业历程中表现卓越。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)力求不断重塑这个行业,推出比以往更强大的产品。

楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)提供产品和解决方案,帮助我们的客户找到更多的途径,用更好的技术回馈他们的客户。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)是先进的微声设备、特种声学产品以及移动通讯、消费电子、医疗科技、军事/太空和其它工业终端市场的人机界面解决方案的市场领导者和全球供应商。凭借在声学和音频系统的丰富经验,楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)实现了从声学元件、到集成音频组件、再到智能音频解决方案的顺利发展。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)测试严格,提供精确可靠的产品,包括助听器元件、MEMs(微机电系统)麦克风、传感器、电容器、振荡器等。同时,楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)在提供先进软硬件解决方案领域确立了独一无二的领先地位,包括智能麦克风、语音处理和优化语音信号路径性能的其他软硬件解决方案。

通过引入突破性的通信技术,楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)一直并将继续在行业内掀起热潮,如1954 年,推出世界上第一个用于助听器的微型麦克风和受话器,2001年推出第一个表贴 MEMs(微机电系统)麦克风。2015年,通过收购移动语音和音频处理公司Audience,楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)掌握了全方位音频系统的能力和应用。

楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)的总部设在伊利诺伊州艾塔斯卡,全球员工超过7000名,遍布全球15个国家,包括欧洲、亚洲、印度和北美的设计中心。庞大的规模加上在研发方面的巨额投资,使楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)能够保持灵活和高效,以批量效益为我们的客户提供突破性的技术。

纵观楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)的发展史,楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)已经改变了人们交流和享受声音的方式。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)的解决方案被市场上70%以上的听力健康产品和60%以上的移动设备所使用,推动了技术飞跃。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)的产品也被广泛应用于专业音乐行业 — 楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)创造了第一个音乐家个人监听器,代替舞台监听器,改善大型演出的音质。楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)专为重要任务应用设计的设备也出现在军事装备和各种太空设备上,包括美国宇航局的“好奇号”火星探测车。1969年,在美国阿波罗11号飞船登月任务中,宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗从月球发表的讲话正是通过楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation)的声学设备进行扩音。

在楼氏电子(Knowles Corporation),我们在意想不到的地方倾听可能,矢志不渝地追求创新,通过唤醒声音让人与人连接起来。

At Knowles Corporation, we’ve achieved excellence in our industry for more than 70 years. We strive to continuously reinvent our industry and make products more powerful than before.

Our products and solutions help our customers find more ways to put better technology to work for their customers. We are a market leader and global supplier of performance audio, intelligent audio, and specialty components in the mobile communications, consumer electronics, hearing health, military/space and other industrial end markets. Our deep understanding of acoustics and the audio ecosystem facilitated our natural progression from acoustic components, to integrated audio modules, into intelligent audio solutions. Supported by rigorous testing, we deliver consistently dependable and precise products including hearing aid components, MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) microphones, transducers, capacitors, and oscillators. We are also uniquely positioned to deliver advanced hardware and software solutions including intelligent microphones, voice processors, and other hardware and software solutions that optimize the performance of the audio signal path. 

We have always, and continue to, introduce disruptive communication technologies such as the world’s first miniature microphone and receiver for hearing aids in 1954 and the first surface mount MEMS (micro-electrical-mechanical systems) microphone in 2001. With the addition of Audience Inc. in 2015, a mobile voice and audio-processing company, we have the most comprehensive audio system capabilities and applications in the market.

Headquartered in Itasca, Illinois, our global scale of more than 7,000 employees in 15 countries worldwide includes design centers in Europe, Asia, India and North America. Coupled with our significant investment in research and development, our scale enables us to remain agile and efficient and deliver groundbreaking technology to our customers with high-volume economies.

Throughout our history, we have transformed the way people communicate and enjoy sound. Our solutions, which are used in more than 70 percent of hearing health products and 60 percent of mobile devices in the market, have enabled technology leaps. Our products are also widely used in the professional music industry – we created the first personal monitors for musicians – replacing floor monitors and improving sound quality for large-scale performances. Our devices, designed for mission critical applications, can also be found in military equipment and various outer space utilities including NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. In fact, our products amplified Neil Armstrong's words from the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

At Knowles, we hear possibility in unexpected places and are unified by a spirit of innovation to constantly push boundaries and connect people by bringing audio to life.

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